S.A. Advisory E-Mail Update

April 04, 2001

Subject: April-May 01 S.A.Advisory newsletter online now
Dear E-mailer's                           http://www.saadvisory.com
Our most recent newsletter has just been posted  on our  active website, namely, 
Yesterday many of you receive an e-mail from www.energyequities.com - this was
a valid message that we believe offers investors  the opp. to participate in developmental
oil and gas partnerships within Texas.  We have purchased a 25% of 1% of the Wilcox
project..Risks are involved, but the opp exists for a very positive return if the well becomes
a producer.
Concerning the market: We are optimistic that the slaughter will stop soon and that investors
that purchase high quality issues will benefit dramatically our the long term.
We hope that you enjoy our latest S.A. Advisory.
Yours truly,    William Velmer

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