Apr-May 1999 Newsletter

Is this a Casino or Stock Market?!
Super Fast Phone Service Recommendation
New Buy Reccommendation - Teltran International
Reccommendation Briefs - Homeland Holding Corp.
_____––> Overview
Reccommendation B - Precision Standard, Inc.
New Buy Reccommendation - Fairmont Chemical
_____––> Overview
Other Stuff - BioNet Technologies
Oil PatchPortfolio


SA Advisory usually buys all recommendations prior to phone service, e-mail and newsletter recommendation on mentioned securities. The editor may buy, hold or sell positions in all securities at any time. The portfolios are all hypothetical in nature SA Advisory’s portfolios are geared toward sophisticated investors aiming for short, medium and long-term capital gains. By nature, the editor is a stock trader and his trading habits may vary at his own discretion. Most, if not all, recommendations are based upon strict fundamental analysis. Revenue and earnings estimates are the foundation for our recommendations. The estimates result from management discussion. We do not intend to misinform, mislead or hype our readers. It is prudent for all investors to review all filings with the SEC (10Q & 10K) and contact management before investing. Investing in securities are inherent to risks to your financial health. If we are ever paid to produce a corporate profile, full disclosure will be made.

To Newsletter Contents

Is this a Casino or Stock Market?!

The Dow stocks are extremely overpriced and the internet stocks are beyond belief. Amateur investors and daytraders believe that earnings mean nothing. If we owned Dow stocks or Fortune 100 issues, we would sell all of them. The real problem - too much money around and investors have lost their minds in greenback euphoria, eyeballs, clicks and most importantly, real rev and earnings growth compared to PE.

Yours truly, Wm. Velmer

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Investors who want to be notified first when SA Advisory releases a NEW RECOMMENDATION, THE SUPER FAST PHONE SERVICE IS FOR YOU - IT COSTS $550/year (including newsletter). We personally call you before the herd is notified. Subscribe now! (See agreement).

  • 1. On or about February 17, 1999 Super Fast Phone Service investors notified to purchase shares in unique and exciting internet company, namely, TLTG @ $1.40/share. See complete recommendation within this newsletter.
  • 2. Paid e-mail subscribers and then free subscribers notified evening of 17th about TLTG.
  • 3. March 14, 1999 we recommended that our phone service subscribers and paid and unpaid e-mail subscribers sell 30% of SETO @ $1.50. Note: most likely most of the investors got out at around $1.00. We first recommended SETO @ .07 (7-9-97) and recently recommended it on March 10, 1999 at .35.
  • 4. March 26, 1999 we placed a sell recommendation on 50% of WLTK @ $2.50. We recommended WLTK on September 14, 1994 @ .375. At present WLTK is trading at around $4.25. We are selling the balance of our position. We don’t see what all the excitement is about. Small rev and losses. Our main motive is profit!
  • 5. Stock we find attractive, not mentioned within this letter, ARTM: earnings explosion within two weeks, third quarter numbers are due to be released. Will most likely be $12 million and .16 for the 9 months. Stock should be $1.50 - $2.00, not .60.
  • 6. Other stocks of interest: YARC, CBLK, FPCX, WALB. Our Russian stocks continue to zoom: LUKOY Oil up to $32.00 - recommended @ $13, VIP at $15 - recommended @ $5.75.
  • 7. Review recent e-mails - http://www.saadvisory/update

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